Cindy has a passion for sharing the treasures that people can find in nature. She enjoys watching the joy in people’s eyes as they discover the beauty around them, be it their first moose, elk, bison, eagle, geyser, or when they experience the alpine glow in the mountains.
Cindy has been guiding since 2016.
- B.S. Forestry | Michigan Technology University
- Certified Interpretive Guide / National Association for Interpretation
- Certificate | Leave No Trace
- Wilderness First Aid & CPR
- ServSafe Food Handling Certification
This was a great experience. We were in an SUV which allowed Cindy, our tour guide, to provide added attention. She provided insights into the region's geology and interesting historical anecdotes. While tour sightings are often a matter of chance we were fortunate enough to see 2 adult moose including a female with her young calf. A small group of mule deer, a large bull elk, a grizzly bear and numerous bison and various birds completed our wildlife experience. The scenery was stunning in multiple places including our picnic lunch by Lake Jackson.
Full Bio
Growing up in rural Michigan, her playground was the woods and fields that she explored on horseback from Lake Michigan to Lake Huron. Obtaining a B.S. in Forestry from MichiganTech led her to some amazing discoveries about the beauty around her that she enjoyed sharing with people. Two years as a Peace Corp Volunteer in Ecuador solidified the fact that she loves to explore, learn new things about the area she lives in and sharing with others how nature and history can enrich our lives. Living in the GYE for 9 years, guiding trail rides, and 4 winters of snow coach tours has taught her much and she looks forward to exploring and sharing with all who will be joining her on safari.