
Yellowstone National Park's Hayden Valley In Spring Flood

Sustainability is “pro business”, “pro community”, “pro employment” and “pro environment”. Sustainability means so much more than recycling aluminum cans and avoiding plastic water bottles. Sustainability is infused with a refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle mentality and it is through these filters that we make our business decisions that include everything from how we print our brochures to how we lay out lunch for our guests each day. It is often the culmination of all the little things that make a big difference in the big picture. Sustainability is about the business itself; the ability of the business to operate for the long term, in an environmentally friendly way, in order to ensure a lasting positive impact on the community as a whole.

Sustainably Certified

Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris is the first, and only, local tour operator to be awarded a Business Emerald Sustainability Tier, (BEST) certification for sustainable practices.  From the Riverwind Foundation, “the standards in the BEST program are comparable to the world’s most rigorous and comprehensive environmental, community and economic sustainability criteria”.

Obtaining BEST certification was a rigorous process spanning several months.  Every aspect of the business is critiqued and analyzed to determine best practices across several areas of the business, including purchasing and waste management, energy efficiency and renewables and transportation and fuels,  water conservation, building and landscaping, community investment and cultural support, health and safety, diversity, equity and inclusion, conservation and resource protection, and marketing and communications.  Only businesses that have institutionalized their sustainability practices are awarded this certification, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to best practices.

Jackson Hole Best Sustainability Certified logo



This is the first filter we employ in our sustainability decision making process. If there is an item we can do without, we refuse purchase. We try to make do with the items that we have and try to avoid over-purchasing on supplies. Our guests are given water bottles on each safari. We refuse to purchase plastic water bottles, opting instead for a reusable aluminum water bottle that each guest can take home with them. We want to maintain a high standard for the experience of our guests, and we realize that sometimes, less is more.


We look to simplify our operations wherever and whenever possible. We try to consolidate and streamline our use of fossil fuels and other resources. Some of our employees work from home to reduce unnecessary travel back and forth to work. We combine errands when possible so that we are not making multiple trips, when we can accomplish what we need to do in one. We have motion sensor lighting at our shop so lights do not get left on. Our staff makes use of digital technology available to reduce the amount of paper we use for communication. Our confirmations are digitally sent to each guest. Our staff collaborates over apps and digital workspaces. Our business serves to reduce the number of vehicles on the road in the National Parks. Just by doing what we do and offering the guide services that we do, there are fewer vehicles driving through Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park each day. Every time two families travel together in a vehicle on a wildlife safari tour, there is one less car on the road in the National Park.


We buy our green cleaning products in bulk and refill our existing containers so that we are not generating plastic waste every time a spray bottle is empty. We utilize actual silverware and dishes for our lunches and serve food from tupperware containers so that we can reduce the amount of single use plastics that may be generated by tens of thousands of lunches over the years. Our office makes a point to reuse office paper whenever possible and to purchase recycled content paper when we need to replenish our supplies. We make sure that our vehicles are maintained to the highest standard so that they are as fuel-efficient as possible. Keeping the maintenance up on these vehicles allows us to cycle them through at longer intervals.

two girls laughing in the snow holding a water bottle
bison herd on field


We have recycling bins set up for guests and employees to use. We encourage guests to make use of National Park recycling opportunities while we are out on safari. In Jackson Hole, we can recycle #1 and #2 plastic bottles, thin plastics, aluminum cans, magazines, newspaper, office paper and corrugated cardboard. We have designated containers for these materials and our employees are asked to dispose of all recyclables accordingly. Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris has been recognized as a Reduce/Reuse/Recycle Business Leader here in Jackson Hole. Larger items like binoculars, spotting scopes, or organizational office items are given to guides or donated when they are no longer used for the business. We try to divert as much waste from the landfill as possible. Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris has a partnership with Haderlie Farms to divert compost from the landfill. Any leftover food particles are collected for Haderlie Farms to pick up and compost.

It is our hope that our guests observe the efforts that were made on each wildlife safari to refuse/reduce/reuse/recycle and that each guest goes home with an intention to look at their own practices and make small changes that collectively, make a big difference. Not sure where to start? Here are a few things you can do at home…

  • Check the frequency of your trash pickup – do you fill a bin weekly? Can you go two weeks between pickups?
  • Use a re-fillable water bottle around the house or at work. Some of our staff go an entire year without purchasing a single plastic water bottle. Most coffee shops will fill a bottle for you upon request. Get in the habit of carrying one with you everywhere. If you do find yourself in a position where you have to purchase a plastic water bottle, reuse it until it no longer holds water.
  • Go through your cleaning products and get rid of anything you don’t need when it is empty. Washing windows? Use a mix of vinegar and water and refill a spray bottle when you run out. No need to purchase a new bottle of cleaner each time and vinegar leaves your windows wonderfully streak free.
  • Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Once you get in the habit, you’ll find that “thank you” in your next energy bill. It may not feel like much, but the savings in an entire year could be a nice treat.
  • Don’t idle your vehicle. Every time you idle, you’re just throwing your own money away. Gas is expensive and most modern vehicles are fuel efficient, so unless you’re still driving a Ford Model T, you actually consume more gas by idling than you by shutting your vehicle on and off.
  • Inventory your eating habits! Buy dry goods in bulk and refill a reusable container when you run low. Bulk items are often cheaper in the long run so your bank account will thank you over time. Avoid heavily packaged items. The next time you’re at the store, think about the products you buy and what happens after you take them home. If you reduce your household waste and reduce your weekly pickups to bi-weekly pickups, well you just saved yourself some money there. It pays to be a conscious buyer.
  • Take reusable bags with you! There are several brands that make reusable bags that fold down to the size of a deck of cards. Toss a few in the center console of your vehicle and take them with you when you run errands. If everyone did this, we could drastically reduce the number of plastic bags that end up in landfills.

If you make small changes over time, you’ll find that it is possible to reduce your waste and ultimately save yourself some money. Awareness is the first step, being conscious of the power of your purchases is the start to evaluating where you can make changes that have the greatest impact. Most of these changes are really about altering habits and those are hard to change. Realize that there are some financial benefits to you personally and those habits will be a little easier to change. Be a conscious buyer and think about the life-cycle of the products you use. If we collectively demand a change to packaging by voting with our dollars, companies will take notice.

Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris combines a love of adventure with a passion for wildlife and wild spaces to create a premium, once in a lifetime experience exploring the natural world. It is our belief that active stewardship is the only way to ensure the same experience for future generations. This is why Jackson Hole Wildlife Safaris is committed to a culture of sustainability and is dedicated to purchasing products, establishing partnerships and educating the public in a way that values the protection and conservation of our most valuable resources.

Travel Sustainably

Eco Tours in Jackson Hole
