Jordan Epstein

Naturalist Guide, Professional Photographer

Jordan’s love for the outdoors stems from summers spent canoeing, sailing, hiking, and backpacking around Yosemite National Park. This passion for outdoor adventure and photography, combined with the allure of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s expert terrain, drew him to Jackson Hole and the National Parks. Captivated by the unique geology and rich history of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Jordan is eager to share his enthusiasm and knowledge with his guests.


  • Certificate | Leave No Trace
  • B.A. Business Economics | University of California Santa Barbara
  • Avalanche Safety | NOLS
  • FAA Gold Seal Flight Instructor
  • Level I Wildlife Track & Sign / CyberTracker
  • Wilderness First Responder & CPR
  • Swiftwater Rescue
  • Outdoor Guide Certification | University of Wyoming
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Jordan's Favorite Safari Tours



Jordan grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. Summers at a camp outside of Yosemite National Park, where he would backpack in the Sierras and paddle or sail the lakes, sparked his love of the mountains.

While pursuing a degree in Business Economics at UC Santa Barbara, he delved deeper into the outdoor industry, working with renowned brands like The North Face and Patagonia. Eager to expand his outdoor leadership skills, he volunteered for the UCSB Outdoor Recreational Department, where he taught sea kayaking and led backpacking and canoeing trips.

Jordan’s affinity for adventure extends beyond guiding. He is a talented photographer whose art has graced the pages of newspapers, magazines, and studio galleries. His images of the natural world have been praised as postcard quality or worthy of becoming a screensaver, depending on the observer’s age.

After completing college, Jordan answered the call of the Tetons and relocated to Jackson Hole. Drawn by the promise of 50% expert terrain at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, he embarked on a journey that would shape his life. His first job with Teton Mountaineering immersed him in the local landscape. On his days off, he would climb, bike, and kayak, exploring every corner of the breathtaking terrain. Like a true adventurer, Jordan dedicated one day a week to rising early to witness the sunrise painting the Tetons with golden hues, and spending the day discovering wildlife and capturing new perspectives.

In 2000 Jordan left Jackson to pursue a career in aviation. For the next 17 years he trained to be a pilot, owned a flight school, then flew Twin Turboprops first as a freight pilot then as a corporate pilot flying throughout the US, Mexico and Canada. In 2017, he retired from flying and the opportunity to return to Jackson presented itself.

Jordan has been guiding, instructing, and mentoring in one form or another since the 1980s, but this is his second year as a wildlife/photo guide. He has embarked on an impassioned study of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. He likes to relate how the unique geology of the area has created a one of a kind environment, affecting the flora, and the remoteness of the region combined with early environmental protection allows the Greater Yellowstone Area to be a unique place of biodiversity with unparalleled opportunities to experience wildlife, amongst spectacular scenery and a living breathing geology laboratory.

Jordan is also fascinated by the history of the people in the area. The early native tribes that would use the area as a summer hunting grounds starting 11,000 years ago, the original explorers, the mountain men, the earliest settlers in the valley which were likely horse thieves and cattle rustlers to the true pioneers of the valley to lay down roots, preserve the wildlife, create national parks that helped make Jackson Hole what it is today.